(no subject)

Mar 03, 2004 04:50

Men. Can't live with them, cant reproduce without sperm. [Mar. 2nd, 2004|05:54 pm]

[ mood | enraged ]

men? fuck off? please? If I am not fucking you yet, fuck off. Cause I wont fuck you. and I will hurt you. or I will fuck you and you will hurt me. So fucking save yourself the pain and unless you want to actually love me, fuck off.

seriously. I know I am not going to make any difference in your life, and I know you wont change any part of your schedual for me, and I know that unless you are with me, you arent thinking of me.

Maybe if you took a moment and actually tried to get to know ME and not the psedo-sultry lingerie seller I show to strangers, you would actually be concidered more than just a joke, and I would actually want to hang out with you. Fucking A. I have feelings, and a personality, and likes and dislikes and you are being a dumbass.

I KNOW what a fucking catch I can be. And I know how awsome you could be if I was willing to look at you that way. But I wont, cause I cant, cause you wont let me.

Take me to fucking dinner one night, with the intention of showing me how wonderful I am to you. and DONT assume I'll want to do anything more than hold your hand when we're in the theatre.
Yes, THEATRE. For one fucking time, I want to be the girl someone takes to a show. Not a dumbass movie, or a local bar/club show....but a play. Not even broadway. Culture people!

I love you. Such simple fucking words. I respect you. I think your marvelous. When you touch me I get shivers. When we kiss, and I open my eyes, I think for a moment you really want to be there with me.
This never happens. and its all a lie.
Cause you don't want to be my man. No one ever does. I'm nothing more than a friend with benefits, and I like sex too much to care about it. Cause I know I'm not important enough in your life to really merit a label or position, and really, that means that I shouldnt want to bother my life with the drama of trying to create one.

I've gotten to the point where if you are not good enough for me to want to wish you were my boyfriend, I wont date you. But it needs to go further. I hear people thinking I'm a bitch cause I wont date/whatever with someone who is either young, jobless, lives at home, whatever lately. I'm sorry if I am too quick to judge, but I need to be quicker. Cause I will date you, or be friends with you, or fuck you, and you wont ever want to be my boyfriend. and when I talk to my friends, and they tell me how fucking awsome you are and ask me why we arent together and I cant think of a damn reason we arent together, I dont know what to say.

I dont know what I love more, you or the idea of you. Cause I know you are just a fantasy and you don't exsist.

Here is the thing, if you dont have a means of income, and you dont have a means of either transportation or knowlege of the public transportation system, I wont bother myself with you.
I know, it's mean. but if you can't pay for yourself, and you wont be able to get to me, why should I do all the driving and paying? I pay my own damn bills, barely, I wont pay yours. and if you want to be involved with me, you got to take me out on at least 3 dates. It doesnt have to be fancy. Just attempt to hang out with me 3 times without putting the moves on me. Is it THAT HARD!? Do it well, and I will jump you before date 3 ends. Many men know this. And thats part of the problem. You know you can get some. So you dont treat me like a woman should be treated. The women's movement set our asses back. I want to fucking be wooed. Make me want to look pretty! I loved meeting John cause for a while I had someone to look good for! I want a reason to put on my fancy lingerie, not the sex, but the person I am wearing it for! I want to glow and want to do favors for you, like refill your beverage or get you a beer. Or instantly start rubbing your shoulders. and I want you to let me know, and know I know, that you want me to do it.
I dont want to be a kitten with wide eyes for a guy if he doesn't want me to. and I wont give in to his sexual urges just cause we both get horny. I want someone who gets horny for ME. someone who is as impressed with me as I am with him, and who wants to make sure its only him I want to be with.
Where the fuck is he?!
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