" called you to say we miss you."
my dad is so majorly cute la
my mum ended the call by saying
"take care i love you"
im very happy that 2007 brought me so much closer
to my parents. they are like my best friends.
i miss them la
they abandoned me all alone here.
so lonely
days have been mother emo and the studying is NOT HELPING at all
thank god for best friends food and good company
sometimes i wish i could turn back time
and find solutions to all the fucked up stuff happening in my life now
but i guess i gotta grow up somehow
and sometime
i miss you
zouk was dope
i know my exams are next week
(: nuff' said.
BFFFF- its been too long darling.
i was so hairpee that we spent so much time tog
repeat i say repeat
NAI - congrats on the end of A's
and the last day i see you with short hair
CHINGSTER - we will go again when your mother is no longer a monster :///
lubb chews (:
BB! - stop running away from _ LAAA
need to FACE YOUR fears
and stop drinking/smoking so much you dope!
YIWEN - hello we need to spend more time lancing lancing la !
HEH. again okay?!
gawd i look so red & drunk.
okay byes.
edit/ omg omg omg
miami ink is addicktion la
cannot wait for exams to be over so i can go get my T
with den and mummy