Killing Me Softly: MASTER Post

Apr 13, 2012 13:39

Title: Killing Me Softly
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Caleb, various OC’s
Genre: Gen Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: Teen
Word-count: 68,000 words (approximately)
Spoilers: Spoilers for S1 up to and including “Skin”
Warnings: Language, sexual situations.
Summary: While on a case in Louisville, KY, Dean gets a song stuck in his head. He's not ( Read more... )

sam winchester, setting: season 1, hurt!dean, caleb, rated-pg13, dean winchester, bobby singer, spn fic, novella

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Comments 12

emmau April 15 2012, 00:34:33 UTC
This was a lovely story! I just devoured this story in one setting (which means I'll probably have to go back and reread it again for all the finer details. Aw!), but I was so entranced i couldn't stop. I loved revisiting S1 Dean and Sam, and I think you captured them beautifully. The hurt/comfort, love, fear, anger, and determination to save each other all hit the right notes for me. Your villain was quite unique, and I do love that it was Dean's . . . Deanness that ultimately was her undoing. Her final words to Sam were a sad bit of foreshadowing, considering how things unraveled from here, but I love Sam's determination not to lose him as much as I love Dean's loyalty and willingness to go to any lengths for those he loves. That's a bit tangent-y, but I did love your story. Thank you for sharing it.


sharlot1926 April 15 2012, 02:00:38 UTC
Thank you so very much! I'm so delighted that you enjoyed this. "Dean's 'Deanness'", what a great way to put it. I loved that. Yes, I suppose that as much as we love and admire Dean's selfless qualities, they can do a lot of damage when taken to the extreme. Unfortunately, his life is the epitome of "extreme"... in every way. It's hard not to go there. Thanks again! I so appreciate you leaving the feedback!


zatnikatel April 15 2012, 01:30:23 UTC
\o/ Great to see this posted, bb… it's just an incredibly clever and well-paced story, and written with real flair and confidence. It really took me back to my memories of watching earlier seasons of the show, and I'm so happy to have helped in any way I could.



sharlot1926 April 15 2012, 02:03:30 UTC
Aw, you are too dadgum kind. Really. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Thank you SOOOO much for all the assistance you gave Brian these past couple of weeks. It really means the world to both of us. Glad this is out, too. I'm crazy excited to start posting my new it's nice to have this out before hand.

/big ol' hugs!


maypoles April 15 2012, 03:13:56 UTC
Yay, you are here! ;D

I read (and loved) this on and am excited to read it again. Your pacing is amazing, the case is interesting, and you've got a great feel for the time period and the characters.


sharlot1926 April 15 2012, 11:18:30 UTC
Aw, thank you. Your kind words mean the world to me! Yep, I'm here due to the hard work of others. I'm more than a bit behind-the-times when it comes to social media. But, hey, LJ today, you never know, I may even go completely nuts and join Twitter! Um...well...maybe. One day. Not today. But one day. LOL. At any rate, I can't wait to start posting my new story here in a couple of weeks.


valgem5 April 17 2012, 22:26:00 UTC
oh!!!! very good work,i love this ....i miss wincest but this fic is really cool!!!! i am waiting for the next fic yours!!!


sharlot1926 April 18 2012, 01:01:14 UTC
Hehe! I was SURE there was some wincest in there! I must have misplaced it. Dadgum! ;) Do you know that I have never read wincest? God's honest. Destiel, now...that's another story. Bow-chicka-wow-wow!

Thank you very much for your kind words. You made my evening!


nimrodell April 20 2012, 03:01:30 UTC
WOW! It's an marvelous story! Intelligent and fascinating!
I thoroughly enjoyed this! Amazing job, Amazing fic! Awesome brotherly moments! You is awesome!
Thank you for writing and sharing it with all of us! Hope you write more, more, more!!!! :)
Hugs and thanks!!!


sharlot1926 April 20 2012, 09:57:40 UTC
What a lovely review to wake up to! Thank you so much! I'm delighted you enjoyed this. I had a lot of fun writing it ( between the times of pulling my hair out, sticking my head in an oven, and declaring that I was going to delete the ENTIRE thing because a few words in one chapter would not bend to my will. LOL). Thank YOU for reading! :)


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