j'adoube: Knight Takes Pawn (chapter 1)

Feb 15, 2015 08:00

Will Darnell mourned his green army-man where it lay half-buried in sand, a small sacrifice for the more important objective.
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Comments 17

jpgr February 16 2015, 02:52:34 UTC
Yay! A new story! I practically squealed!

The comment will made to Macy about being from the gypsies made me smile because my sister used to tell me I was from Mars.

I was wondering why John said "son" not "sons". I guess we'll all find out together what happened to Dean.

Glad you're back


sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 18:17:13 UTC
Oh yeah, I think I put a lot of my own older brother into their banter. Heh. I was the annoying little sister. Poor dude. Somehow we survived, though. :P

Thanks so much for reading and for the sweet comment. You know I appreciate it more than words can say!




tifaching February 16 2015, 04:15:18 UTC
Oh, yeah. Fantastic beginning. So beautifully characterized. So, John tested them with holy water and silver, huh? Very interesting. So excited to see what comes next.


sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 18:19:10 UTC
Thank you, T! I'm so glad the chapter worked for you. I was sweating over it...worried that people would bail before the reveal (thinking it was too OC-heavy). Thank you for staying with it and for your lovely comment. You always make my day. :)




tifaching February 16 2015, 18:55:34 UTC
You dropped enough little hints in that Will might be Dean to get me intrigued. And I love your OCS . :)


sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 23:24:34 UTC
Good...good! I'm glad the hints came through. I spent a lot of time tweaking that chapter because I feared it was too vague.



amypond45 February 16 2015, 13:58:04 UTC
oh wow! This is fantastic! I fell in love with Will as soon as he started teasing his sister, kept thinking "well this is a nice parallel for Sam & Dean" and then boom! Totally didn't see THAT coming! Can't wait to read more!


sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 18:22:08 UTC
Aww! Thank you so much, AmyP! I'm so glad you enjoyed Will and Macy. He's very loyal to his family...I wonder how John and Sam will fare with him. I'm thinking it's going to be a bumpy road. ;) But that's the fun, right?

Thanks again!



lidia1991_an February 16 2015, 17:04:55 UTC

You're back!!!!!! I'm so glad, loving the new story!

Hugs you...


sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 18:23:13 UTC
Howdy Lidia! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far! I appreciate it so very much.

/big hugs to you, too!



(The comment has been removed)

sharlot1926 February 16 2015, 23:27:16 UTC
Haha!...Gotcha! ;)

Yeah, I kind of had this germ of an idea...I wanted Sam and John to see Dean's unrelenting loyalty to family...but from the outside. This story is the result of that plot bunny. Hehe. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope it continues to entertain.

Thanks so much! Now close the window...quick! Your boss is right behind you!

...Gotcha again.... ;)



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