Sick as a Doornail (Short Story)

Nov 19, 2014 11:42

"“Jesus, Dean. What all did you take?”
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sam winchester, short story, spn fic, dean winchester, setting: season 7, hurt!dean

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Comments 31

phoenixnz November 19 2014, 18:09:26 UTC
OMG, Dean is hilarious when he's sick. *g* Great job.


sharlot1926 November 19 2014, 20:10:03 UTC
Hee! Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed!



jennygeee November 19 2014, 19:14:09 UTC
hehe this Dean is adorable! I want to wrap him up in a blanket and feed him soup!

Lovely to see this from you, I don't usually read short stories but when I saw it was from you i had to - I'm pleased I did as it put a smile on my face, thank you!


sharlot1926 November 19 2014, 20:13:16 UTC
Aw, you're so sweet, Jenny! I'm not much for short-short stories, either. But, and I hope this will please you, the story came about because I am writing a much longer, Dean-centric piece, and I needed to think of a few "malaphors" for him to say. I wound up going nuts and thinking of too many! So, this little story came to me as a way to use them. Hee, I couldn't resist.

The longer story is coming, though! It'll be a while, but I'm workin'!




jennygeee November 19 2014, 21:04:21 UTC
I'm so excited now!! Can't wait, well I will wait but it won't be easy :D :D


jj1564 November 19 2014, 19:35:22 UTC
Aw poorly Dean is so cute and amusing!! I love how he mixed up his idioms and it made me chuckle at the end when he corrected Sam!


sharlot1926 November 19 2014, 20:14:23 UTC
Thanks so much, JJ! I'm tickled you liked this one. It's not often that "quicky" stories come to me!




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sharlot1926 November 20 2014, 02:26:24 UTC
You are just TOO darned sweet for words. Thank you so much for the double shot iof encouragement. I'm beaming!




ramblin_rosie November 19 2014, 23:18:29 UTC
*SNERK* Oh, Dean. ♥


sharlot1926 November 20 2014, 02:27:09 UTC
Haha! Indeed!!! Oh Dean...

Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. It means the world. :)



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