jai guru deva om: Think For Yourself (chapter 12)

Oct 13, 2013 20:52

"Don't give me that, Annie," John snarled into the phone.
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Comments 17

frostfalcon October 14 2013, 01:35:51 UTC
Dean isn't going to be bouncing back from this quickly is he... he may be back in the "real world" but his head has got to be a mess. Poor guy... at least it looks like things are headed in the right direction for him, thanks for the update!!! I can't wait for more I'm always excited to see something new from you!


sharlot1926 October 14 2013, 12:55:12 UTC
Yeah, this is definitely going to be a process and a journey for him. This was a big turning point for him...at least he wants to get back in the game and save Jason. That's progress.

Thanks so much, frostfalcon! I appreciate the comment so much!



lidia1991_an October 14 2013, 14:44:57 UTC

Winchesters against the evil again,yay! Give Dean a break please, poor boy! Wonderful chapter as usual!

Hugs you.


sharlot1926 October 14 2013, 21:08:05 UTC
Oh sure, sure...you know me...I'm never too hard on poor Dean. Pshaw...he'll be just fine next chapter...no worry...no worry.

Okay...on second thought...worry. ;)

/hugs you back!



(The comment has been removed)

sharlot1926 October 14 2013, 21:09:17 UTC
Yeah...not only does Dean have the same issues he had before this all began, now he has to deal with loss and guilt, too! Fun times. Hopefully someone will be able to give him a little relief before this puppy is over.

Thanks much, darkrose!



arliss October 14 2013, 17:52:10 UTC
Dean, honey, turn the hot-water faucet. It's real, and you deserve a warm shower before going in to face that thing. I know it hurts, but at least you're aware of reality now.

I just hope they're in time to save Jason.


sharlot1926 October 14 2013, 21:11:11 UTC
Poor kid...he really deserves a nice hot shower and a big bed with magic fingers and maybe a pretty, pretty girl to make him feel alllll better, right?

Hopefully, saving Jason will be enough of a distraction for him...instead of concentrating on what he lost. Maybe going back into "hunter-mode" will be helpful. We'll see!

Thanks for the comment, arliss. :)



inanna_maat October 14 2013, 18:08:44 UTC

MY God, this is amazing... but now Dean is "awakening", poor boy...


sharlot1926 October 14 2013, 21:12:52 UTC
Dean's coming back, slowly but surely. Baby steps, here. At least he knows intellectually what Father is. Getting his emotional side to detach from that may be trickier. We'll have to see how it goes!

Thanks for the comment.


P.S. I love your avatar. What episode is that from or is it from behind the scenes?


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