jai guru deva om: All Together Now (chapter 10)

Oct 06, 2013 19:10

"We got you."
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Comments 27

antrazi October 7 2013, 00:14:43 UTC
So, Mei took the discarded cell and answered his last calls...


sharlot1926 October 7 2013, 15:42:39 UTC
It certainly does appear that way! Mei's tenacious...and she's used to icky stuff, so I'm sure she had no qualms about picking the cellphone out of a slimy banana peel. :)

Thanks for the comment, antrazi!



tifaching October 7 2013, 01:55:12 UTC
The fact that Dean was going to sell Baby without a backwards glance guts me every time. And I've got to say, the rescue caught me totally by surprise. Lovely, lovely work.


sharlot1926 October 7 2013, 15:44:59 UTC
Hah! You know that was actually HARD to write...it was completely contrary to everything that we know about Dean, and I had to keep reminding myself...that's the POINT. Tee!

Thanks for all your help and support Tif. You made this a much better piece. Mwah!



iontas October 7 2013, 05:24:44 UTC
You are killing me with these cliff hangers!


sharlot1926 October 7 2013, 15:48:36 UTC
I am so crooool! /grawr!

Try not to worry too much...next chapter will be up in a couple of days, and that one doesn't have a cliffie. Ok, well, it doesn't have MUCH of a cliffie. Ok, well...it might be a medium-ish cliffie. Well, it's medium-ish if "omg! What the fuck just happened!" type of response is medium-ish to you. So see? No big whoop. I got yer back. S'all good...no worries...




whithertits October 7 2013, 14:59:33 UTC
This continues to be amazing! I'm so happy John, Bobby, and whomever else is finally on the scene. :D Every mention of Blessed Transformations is completely creepy, now. @_@

PS-- your AO3 upload and community link to iirc hurt_dean didn't work, the LJ link was for chapter 6 and AO3 only has up to chapter 9.


sharlot1926 October 7 2013, 15:53:58 UTC
I knew people would be happy with the turn of events. I think we were all ready for some relief....though, we'll see how much relief it really brings...hurhur!

Thanks for the head's up. I overslept this morning (taking Niquil at 3am will do that to you), and I didn't get everything linked until a few minutes ago. My LJ is always prepared the night before by my husband (he makes my PDF's etc) and then I link them to the comms the next day. As for hurt!Dean...I've tried for the past few weeks to link to that comm and it will not accept my posting for some reason. I don't know why...it just stopped working for me a few chapters ago. I'll try again when I post the final chapter. Hopefully people will get the idea that I post on Monday and Thursdays and will know to come looking for the new chapter even if it's not linked to the hurt!Dean com.

Thanks much, hon!



lidia1991_an October 7 2013, 15:00:21 UTC

Amazing chapter,well done Mei!


sharlot1926 October 7 2013, 15:55:44 UTC
Hiyas lidia!

Right? Mei's not going to let anything stop her...not even a gooey public garbage can. No way. :)

Thanks for the comment!



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