while angels watched: master post

Feb 19, 2013 20:45

Title: While Angels Watched
Characters: Dean, Sam, John Winchester and a couple of familiar Angels of the Lord
Genre: Gen-fic: Family, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 60k words total.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language.
Spoilers: Just some foreshadowing of S5 mytharc. Pre-Series setting. Teen!Chesters
Summary: Dean is a young, vibrant hunter with a keen sense of purpose, itching to prove himself. When a sudden, catastrophic illness strikes him down, Heaven and Earth collide in a desperate race to save his life.
Disclaimer: This is fanfic, baby. I stake no claim on anything that did not originate with me.

My Betas: I want to thank Nong_Pradu and Numpty for their incredible beta work. They were instrumental in the creation of this story and many elements that they suggested became incorporated into the tale. I cannot rave enough about them. They are amazingly busy women who went above and beyond. Thank you both! I also want to thank Beckydaspatz who was kind enough to give the story a read-through and provide me with detailed commentary and reaction prior to posting. You’re awesome, puddin’! Thanks!


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or choose a chapter to read online:

Chapter 1 : Thy Will Be Done


Chapter 2 : Give Us This Day


Chapter 3 : May My Tongue Sing the Word


Chapter 4 : When Darkness Reigns


Chapter 5 : To Keep Thee In All Thy Ways


Chapter 6 : He Who Strengthens Me


Chapter 7 : Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley


Chapter 8 : My Cup Runneth Over


angels, john winchester, sam winchester, teen!chesters, hurt!dean, pre-series, dean winchester, spn fic

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