time for the random yearly update of substance

Aug 31, 2008 23:15

like the subject says it is time for the yearly post. Florida is... well it's Florida. Ron and I will be leaving September nineteenth or twentieth for the move back to WA. We are looking to start a family in the next couple years and want to be around family. Sadly he has very few family member left down here. While I have large numbers up in WA. We are moving in to a nice little house on Panther Lk. this is the house where my parents first lived together and is about half mile away from the house i grew up in. As well as it is a half mile from my Grandmothers house. The lake is beautiful though we don't have the best view but hey we are getting a great deal.

I talked to my job at Kaplan and they are letting keep my potion just work from home. This is really great because I get to keep my job and still go to WA. I am a bit worried about the power going out in the winter. It does that when we have a storm and well as i am doing everything on the Internet that would be bad. But I will worry about that bridge when the time comes to cross it.

My dad is flying in to help us drive across country, which will be a huge help! This will be my fifth move across country. my second from east to west and the other three west to east... i know that number sounds odd... but that's how it is. :)

Well I hope you all enjoyed this early update... there will be another next year... Please feel free to e-mail me at my username at yahoo . com.
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