Feb 20, 2006 01:06
I like new starts, fresh starts.
Recently I apologized to a few people who I've had squabbles with.
Tonight, I received an awful reply.
"So, sharla, you need to grow up. You're acting like a two year old, and it's pointless. Stop these immature little squabbles that you seem to have with everyone. Like the old saying goes, If you dont have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So basically, you just need to keep your mouth shut the majoirty of the time. Your opinions of people dont really matter. I don't give a flying rats ass about what you think about me, and i can almost garentee thats how most people feel. you are extremely rude 98% of the time. GROW UP! Stop talking about people behind their backs, and over nexopia, or the internet. its pointless and it gets around; fast!.
That's about as nice as it gets. your lucky I took time to cool off."
I suppose person X misunderstands the meaning of an apology.
But hey, they are a bad person who I do not respect so they can suck on my b f d, LOL.