back for now

Oct 05, 2008 11:36

so. im back on livejournal. wow a lot has changed. i went a while witout using myspace then went back and was like wow a lot has changed, but this is some serious shit hurr on livejournal.
turns out i havent posted a post in 95 weeks. thats a while i guess its almost 2 years exactly ya know? weird but yeah, the reason i AM posting this lj is because someone asked me: whyd you stop? and i thought like i dunno its gay or something or no one reads it or even worse people do read it hahahaha and i dont like talking about shit with people because then people talk about shit with other people who arent you when you arent there and then yur like wtf hahaaha people talk yur shit and shit about you behind yur back is what im saying.
to clear the air, i dont really give a shit what people say or what shit that spit when i split (haha) never have and never will but however

that shit is annoying.
thats not the only reason i stopped posting. there was many reasons including my fav: being extreamly lazy. the fun part to me about lj was looking at my friends shit and hoping to find myself mentioned in a post or something funny about retards getting killed or something to that effect..... except eveeryone knows the routine, most light-lj users only check their friends posts when they post, and if yur like me you aint got shit to say ALL the time so when you log on , post, then try to backtrack yur friends to find some goods you are sitting thurr for like 3 hours looking at "im sad today.... she left me...." DONT GET ME WRONG ive said that shit on here before cause the internet is our generations outlet and/or whatever. but its lame to have to scroll all the way through.

another reason which was already kinda touched on. i like my privacy i need to just put like a few friends or make locked posts or something .... i used to be good at that. i used to put those locks on certain posts so a secret lover and i could communicate in private romeo y juliet stylee you know?> word so i could start posting again and get passt my want for no one to know what im thinking or feeling or doing by blocking almost everyone from reading almost all my post.
but the laziness

anyways another thing is i ramble on here. because i get all stone and i ramble. its fun for me. not for readers. maybe i should just highlight the parts you should read. lik ein this post i would highlight or capitialize "LOCAL NEWS PAPER READS: NIGGERS DEAD, ONE ARRESSTED" ya know and like provide a link.... and then again.... damn cant do that. see i cant even properly make a black joke on here for fear that a friend of mine whom i might only be aquaintances with might see that and get mad. not that i give a fuck, once again as i stated before, however, the annnoyingness...... plus they dont know me so they wouldnt know that i slang the N word, nigger, around a lot because the true definition of nigger has no fucking mention of black people in it therefor not derogatory in my books therfore when i say it i do not intentionally mean for it to be deragatory towards blacks, just towards NIGGERS. ya know. and im not saying like chris rock, "there are black people then the're niggers." who whichever blackcomedian said that shit. i just mean anyone is a deemed a nigger by me if so called fit defined by my understanding and interpretation of the definition and meaning of the word...... i dunno.... see i ramble.... anyways....

so maybe ill start posting again, i need to pack a bowl first....

oh yeah and everytime i read back in my journal which is usually fun i find some point where im like wtf wass i thinking this shit is gay and hate seeing it hahahahahaa but ill just get over that im older now its been fucking two years ahhahahhaha anwyays plus I THINK THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A TIME IN YOURLIFE WHEN YOU CANT LOOK BACK 2 YEARS AND LAUGH AT YOUR INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE, AND OVERALL WELLBEING MENTALLY (which pretty much you can see through livejournal posts to some degreee??? i dunno ) you know what i mean like you should always be outgrowing yourself mentally in one way or another at such a rate that you laugh at your past thoughts as we do upon the ancient greek myths........... that way yur always improving, not human being, human becoming (or whatever bullshit you wanna call it) fuck it


i do like this shit because i like to just say FUCK a whole lot about fucking everything cause everythings fucked and everyone sucks ya know.

anyways, bowl then ill post a REAL brief recap of the past two years from what i remember. ill have to read back in my journal and see where i left off hahaha.......
btw this whole post better have been read by the person who asked why i dont do this anymore. hahaha i <3 her
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