May 02, 2006 23:11
i hope there is some good or a new/different start to the end of what i thought was really awesome. i hate that things happned the way they did the last couple of weeks.. before everything got retarded.. i loved the way things were just fine. i didnt want anything to change. but things cant go on forever. mistakes were made, but maybe it was for a reason. its crazy how things can completely change in only a couple of months...
minus all the crappy stuff that happend.. he is srsly one of the sweetest, nicest, most awesome guys that i have met in my life so far. he is a really good person and deserves the best. i honestly think he is one of a kind.
now, as for me..
i really really really need a drastic change in my life...
its come to the point where i dont know if i'm happy, sad, depressed or what.. its somewhere in between... i'm not sure where i will end up living by august.. but i hope its a wise choice.. but if not.. oh well... i really dont know much of anything right now.. what i DO know is that.. i need to quit talking about it and stop being such a pansy and actully just do it. i'm so afraid of failure that i get scared.. if i just dont suck it up and do it.. then i'm never gonna get out of here. it is really hard without a car though.. i know if i do end up moving to austin, i dont need one.. but id feeel more comfy with it..
i hate all this car wreck shit i'm still going through. i just want my car fixed. thats it.
and one more thing...
Dear gas prices,
im pretty sure i wont sleep tonight. i have to be at work in like 3 hours for a 8 hour shift, yah, i know, fanfkntastic.
edit numero 2:
i read an old entry from almost a year ago.. and i was pissed cause gas prices were up to $2.04.
2.04 would be so nice right now.