Oct 29, 2008 20:49
I guess this is one of those 'Things I Hate' rants.
Not unlike most gay guys. Having come out not long after high school, I found myself over time being rejected by my straight guy friends. In hindsight I don't think there was any malicious intent. Most straight guys get on with other guys who are into the same kinda stuff as they are, it's nothing too deep, quite shallow really, as their relationships usually lack emotional substance.
In the last 8 or so years, most of my solid friendships have come through knowing people who share a very similar outlook on the world. These friendships don't rely on merely common interests or shallow novelty occurrences. And yes, unfortunately most of these tend to be women.
But women you see, have this thing, where they are compelled to have their 'Girls only catchups', or 'Girls only photos', or 'Girls only rooms'. It's like there's some cheap form of enjoyment in being able to exclude the opposite gender and indulge in some girly conversations. Fair enough, most men, straight men inparticular have no interest in these 'girl only' outings and vice versa.
So naturally, I get rejected by the women too. A few of my closer friends recognise me as being 'one of the girls'. But so many still enjoy doing the exclusion thing. As if it is a convenience thing to exclude me when they feel like it. I used to have lunch with my old work collegue Karen everyday. On her last day, the girls organised a lunch and of course I wasn't invited, cos I don't have a fanny (not that I plan on acquiring one :-)). What really upset me was that every lunch time she would bitch and complain about lots of the other women, then when it comes to her last day, she would prefer to share it with them than her real friends.
You know what this really pisses the shit out of me. Women are just as bad as homophobic Men. What happened to valuing the content of one's character?
If I was to say, "sorry girls, it's boys only today". They wouldn't care, replying something like "well we don't care about boy's stuff". If I was to confront any of them about it, they'd see me as a high maintenance cry baby, and I don't want that. It's lose, lose, nothing I can do about it.
So I guess I'm going to be rejected by the men and by the women in my lifetime. At times I feel like no one understands me. Gotta love our culture of blind people.