Bitchin' about my mother again

Jul 03, 2011 09:23

I try to drive down to see my mother once a week. It's an hour-long drive one way. With all of the errands I run while I'm there, it ends up using a 1/4 tank of gas each visit. Since I am still unemployed, that is a major expense for me.

Yesterday I did the usual drive down. Mom has been under the weather and on a very bland diet. That finally seems to have worked, but it turns out the Doctor prescribed antibiotics last week that Mom never picked up... I tell her she needs to get them anyway to be sure she knocks out whatever messed her system up.

So, we go through this giant stack of mail that she hasn't read yet. I sort out the bills and throw the junk away. I have to stop and discuss each piece I chuck, Mom doesn't trust me enough to let me sort it out alone. She likes to repeat something about keeping an eye on her money. Ironic considering how much she gave away to my brother without questioning. I just love being judged based on his past actions.

By then it is lunch, Mom warms up some soup and insists I join her. Then she talks about how I need to lose more weight and would I want some crackers with the soup. When I point out that I don't need the extra carbs, she counters that I can't lose weight by starving myself.

After lunch, Mom is tired, so she lays down and takes a nap but asks me to stick around so we can do more later...
So I sit there for an hour. Can't file the bills - Mom has to watch that too. Once she wakes up, we file the receipts and pay some bills.

Now we need to go get the medicine, but wait, Mom has to change her clothes and put makeup on. Can't be seen in public like that.

We get to the pharmacy around 5 pm. Mom wants to wander around and window shop. We get back to her place at 6 pm. I have to unhook and then install a replacement hose she purchased.

She noticed I was getting edgy and remarked that I seemed 'provoked'. She couldn't understand that I was hot and tired (It was about 105 F) and, after all, I had nowhere important to go. My husband is out of town so she feels that I should stay as late as she wants.

I finally got home at 7:30 pm. Too tired to shop, so I picked up fast food for dinner again. Hmmm, I wonder why I can't lose weight...


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