Current status

Jan 30, 2018 16:10

Surgery was two weeks ago, I only stayed in hospital one night,  and then started physical therapy five days later.

Relative pain levels not bad for the knee, but the amount of bruising and swelling was daunting. My foot and toes felt (and looked) like one of those watermelons covered with rubber bands right before it burst. Luckily nothing blew up, it just throbbed and hurt incessantly.

Doctor's office had me come in to check the foot after multiple complaints from me. Surprise, surprise, I wasn't kidding about the swelling. I then wound up back at the hospital for an ultrasound to check for DVT or blood clots. Good news, no clots or DVT, just really severe fluid retention. They sent me home but never addressed what to do now. I got an email later that evening telling me to keep up with the ice and elevation. (not amused)

Swelling finally coming down. I have exercises to do at home in addition to the twice weekly PT. PT today kicked my ass. I am trying to stretch and bend my knee past my previous normal range of motion. Hurts like hell, but it's necessary.

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