No I Haven't Fallen Off the Face Of The Earth Again

Feb 07, 2007 21:45

Okay so I lost my internet connection and now have to get by on only a limited amount of time online each day, about thirty minutes total if you don't count the time it takes my snail of a system to load. I have also begun working on my junior reasearch paper so a large portion of my time on here is consumed by doing the necessary searching I must do for that beast.

Something that should make this whole situation better though is the fact that now that I no lonager am capabale of being online all evening is that I now have far too much time on my hands and am thusly able to re-read those books that have only been touched recently for fact-checking purposes. So chances are I'll gain new insperation and motivation to pick up some of the fanfic drafts I have cluttering my math binder and edit/finish some of those.

I'm also happy to report (kind of) that aside from that lovely Harry Potter knitting book that's due out in late April (I think) I shall be purchasing no new reading material (aside from the annual SW Insider magazine of course) because I need to save up between now and July for a) movie tickets to OotP and that lovely Deluxe copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that I pre-ordered from Borders this last weekend.

Ta all! 

rl, potter, hpatdh, update

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