Feb 23, 2005 09:12
in school being cool... were the fuck was the 2 hr delay this morning......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well today sucks butim not going to let it bother me....i want to be a happy personn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so i got minus seven of the first part of my math test... and mr. harven told someone that "know that basketball is over your doing so good" and she got the same thing as me... and he ask me "what happened janine"... why do people expect so much from me... do i give off a vibe... maybe i should just expect more out of myself.... wheteva..... i'll work on refurbishing myself in the long run... is reburbish a word.. it sounds like one... i like to use interesting words in hope, by chance i used them correctly.. like mongoloid..well actually hannah used that word... but you get the idea... hehe hannah... ok well i have gym next... LINE DANCING BITCCCCCCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!... i wish some people didn't have such ugly personalities.... its makes there outer appearance look like shit.... ugh.. well... thats all the complainin i got... phew... i heart you livejournal.... for listening to my woes... your my only true friend, livejournal... ode to livejournal.... bye