You want to know about my name? Really? It's not all that interesting - it's just Chuck.
But, if you really want to know, I guess I'll tell the story.
See, not that long ago - thirty years or so back - I decided that I was tired of my life, and wanted a change. A new life, a different life.
The first thing to go was my look. Tall and bearded and imposing works most of the time, but not when you're trying to blend in. So small and meek and mild-mannered it was (though I kept the beard, sort of).
Next thing to go was my omniscience. That stuff is kind of a pain when you're trying to pass as mortal, so I knocked it down a notch. Kept my superhuman knowledge base on a need-to-know basis - the Winchesters, and the Apocalypse, mainly.
And the last thing was my name. Names, really. I've had a lot of them, all very imposing and regal and so on, but again, trying to pass for mortal. So my name had to be something more... average. Something not too common, but not uncommon either. Something not to dull or too excited.
After a bit of deliberation, I settled on Chuck.
It's not very interesting, but it's a good name, don't you think?
(confused? check out the
Swan Song explanation post!)