Excitement in the last week included a car hitting my next-door neighbour's house (nobody hurt, including the small dog who ran out of another neighbour's when he came out to see what was going on, and nearly got run over).
I am abroad; we will not be flying Delta again (they domonstrably can't organise a queue in an airport) but we got here, and have ticked off another state- Rhode Island. (Going to Providence for a half day to go to an art gallery totally does count, we crossed the state line! And it was rather a nice art gallery. Also I got a very good lemon coconut cake and BLT with guacamole. I believe RI also has history, culture and industry.[1])
sigmonster has weeded our aunt's vegetable plot, which had been ignored all year until the hawk chicks from the nearby nest fledged and thus the adults stopped attacking anyone who came out of the house (I Am Not Making This Up, although there are no photos because it is hard to take a photo of a hawk which is diving at your head with extended talons.) I have not been as useful as he has, but I am monitoring the dryer as I type...
[1} Disclosure of exaggeration for comic effect; we did also look at a bunch of historic houses and read about the state's founder, Roger Williams, who felt that the Indians owned the land and settlers should respect them, and that there should be religious freedom for everybody, not just Christians. And then it was too hot so we came home.