Inspired by a post made by per_sis_tence, and the death and dying around me lately, I bring you the After Death poll. Feel free to pimp it if you wish.
This isn't the coolest story I know, but I was kinda there when it happened: Once, when I was in high school, I woke up in the middle of the night and was surprised to see the light on in my parents' bedroom. I found my mother was sitting in bed with a strange look on her face. She said, "Something just touched my foot." She had also seen a flash of light. Only she and I were in the house. My mother thought about this for some time, and in the end she decided that it must have been one of her brothers, who had recently passed away. My grandmother and my mother's siblings all had experiences which they attributed to this event.
As for me, I felt a presence in my last apartment. I never saw it but my brother did. I never thought of it as a ghost -- more like something between a ghost and a demon. It was not welcome. Now, I have the distinct feeling that there is a third cat running around my house. Several times, I've been in bed and felt a vibration, like a cat jumping onto the bed, but when I look, there's no cat to be found.
I know it's probably strange, given that I read cards, but generally I'm quite skeptical. I think "orbs" are utter nonsense and I shouldn't be shocked if scientists discovered that the tunnels-and-lights in near-death experiences really were nothing more than a chemical reaction of a panicked brain, although I sincerely believe in Heaven. (And although you didn't ask about angels, I believe in them totally; in fact one of my grandfathers used to see angels all the time. I have no reason not to believe him, simply because the angels he described were nothing like anything I'd heard before.)
I believe in ghosts although I've never seen one. I always look when people claim to have taken photographs of ghosts, and although I agree that the image might be mysterious in nature, I've never seen anything that made me an all-out believer. And yet I'll keep looking. ;)
angels and privacycrazytaniaMarch 17 2007, 07:53:53 UTC
I know I finally decided to do the pole. I haven't been reading friends only journal entries but I do enjoy them. I have just seen two so far lately. They weren't friends only. Anyway it is cool. I know I didn't know some people that wanted to add me to journal nor them me either but it is really good doing it. If they don't stack up you can delete journal etc. I did delete a couple off my friends page but not cool ones. They were..... Let's not go down that road. I am replying also to a comment which I decided to check since I had nothing bettter to do and it makes me think and want to tell you something. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. It says in the bible that we all have angels watching over us. Saton took a third of the angels down from heaven when God threw them out of heaven and that's how sin started. Saton wanted to be higher than God. Anyway the long and the short of it is that there are deffinately angels. They protect us. Hope this is interesting. I know I have angels watching and Jesus as well. Even people who don't believe in Jesus yet have angels watching over them. I haven't been to church much lately and certainly don't ram religeon down people's throats. Cheers. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to fill out this pole. And to look at some answer statistics so far. Excellent. D : D : D : D : D
Re: angels and privacycrazytaniaMarch 18 2007, 09:58:38 UTC
I am answering your question. I found you when someone told me about the cat lovers journal which I am not a member of and haven't followed up for ages. I found it interesting though. I have a cat called Holly. I am blind. I live in a counsel flat. I'm 33 years old. I am singl. I am musical. I can play the guitar a bit and play the clarinet. I also play the accordian a little and the keyboard. I had piano lessons for a while but my fingering is slack now. I went to the school known then as Homai College in Manurewa Auckland, Manurewa intermediate and Manurewa high. I didn't get too far but took mostly basic subjects in form 5. This meant I took 1 school c subject, homeec. This is a little about me. I also enjoy a wide variety of music including country, not heavy metal though. why did I want to include you? well this second question is easy. I liked your entries in the cat lovers journal and someone said in a comment or journal entry when I was around that you were in New Zealand. also I didn't have many friends in my friends page. I thought you were cool. And you have a cat like me. I also have 2 finches and a cannary. I love animals. does this answer your questions? Do you have more questions? I'd be happy to answer them if I am able to. Please let me know your thoughts after what I have just told you. cheers. I wish I could meet you in person. I live in the south island. I'm in otago. I live in Oamaru. I've been blind all my life. Maybe I have already told you but I was premiture. I won't go in to any more detail just now. Please excuse any spelling mistakes. Anyone can add me to their friends page if they want to. I don't always read comments but I do if I am realy interested or feel I should. sometimes a kind word or just telling someone I am reading the journal means a lot to people, it did to me when I first got the help from a sighted friend to start the journal. Couldn't remember all the numbers etc. etc. Well that's enough of that, won't bore you with the reason but ask if you want to know more about it. I hope I can become a friend. I like chatting as well. I used to go horse riding in Auckland with help as well. I'll go now as I've said enough. This entry is getting long. take care. I look forward to hearing from you sometime soon. I hope you will respond but I won't be offended if you don't.
Re: angels and privacyshark_girlMarch 18 2007, 10:06:52 UTC
Aah, I am not from New Zealand. I think you (or someone else) has mistaken me for another person. Maybe you should join cat_lovers and you might be able to find the right person. Also, it is a very active community that welcomes new members :)
Re: angels and privacycrazytaniaMarch 18 2007, 10:57:01 UTC
Where are you living? i still want to be your friend. Thanks for the link. I'll think about joining. It doesn't matter that your not from somewhere in New Zealand. It was about the time of the radeo active cat. Anyway I don't know who the person was talking about then. They thought that you lived in New zealand and gave enough info so I found you and added you to my journal. I have email and also messenger and Skype. Its in my profile. Please feel free to add me. Yes I want to know more about you. Can you see? Do you work? I don't have a job. It doesn't worry me if you can seee it just makes it cool. I welcome everyone. I also hope you can keep smiling. 'Patience is a virtue, posess it if you can. seldom in a woman, but never in a man.' Thanks for replying. I was thrilled. Cheers.
As for me, I felt a presence in my last apartment. I never saw it but my brother did. I never thought of it as a ghost -- more like something between a ghost and a demon. It was not welcome. Now, I have the distinct feeling that there is a third cat running around my house. Several times, I've been in bed and felt a vibration, like a cat jumping onto the bed, but when I look, there's no cat to be found.
I know it's probably strange, given that I read cards, but generally I'm quite skeptical. I think "orbs" are utter nonsense and I shouldn't be shocked if scientists discovered that the tunnels-and-lights in near-death experiences really were nothing more than a chemical reaction of a panicked brain, although I sincerely believe in Heaven. (And although you didn't ask about angels, I believe in them totally; in fact one of my grandfathers used to see angels all the time. I have no reason not to believe him, simply because the angels he described were nothing like anything I'd heard before.)
I believe in ghosts although I've never seen one. I always look when people claim to have taken photographs of ghosts, and although I agree that the image might be mysterious in nature, I've never seen anything that made me an all-out believer. And yet I'll keep looking. ;)
why did I want to include you? well this second question is easy. I liked your entries in the cat lovers journal and someone said in a comment or journal entry when I was around that you were in New Zealand. also I didn't have many friends in my friends page. I thought you were cool. And you have a cat like me. I also have 2 finches and a cannary. I love animals.
does this answer your questions? Do you have more questions? I'd be happy to answer them if I am able to. Please let me know your thoughts after what I have just told you. cheers. I wish I could meet you in person. I live in the south island. I'm in otago. I live in Oamaru. I've been blind all my life. Maybe I have already told you but I was premiture. I won't go in to any more detail just now. Please excuse any spelling mistakes. Anyone can add me to their friends page if they want to. I don't always read comments but I do if I am realy interested or feel I should. sometimes a kind word or just telling someone I am reading the journal means a lot to people, it did to me when I first got the help from a sighted friend to start the journal. Couldn't remember all the numbers etc. etc. Well that's enough of that, won't bore you with the reason but ask if you want to know more about it. I hope I can become a friend. I like chatting as well. I used to go horse riding in Auckland with help as well. I'll go now as I've said enough. This entry is getting long. take care. I look forward to hearing from you sometime soon. I hope you will respond but I won't be offended if you don't.
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