My iceberg lettuce is frozen, because I put it too close to the freezer of the mini-fridge. Ironically, that has made it really gross. I'm not sure the humor there makes much sense.
I went to a lecture last night on Muslim-Western relations. There were three speakers, two professors here--I think-- and and Egyptian-American guy who is somehow significant in this topic. I don't like Whatever-American titles, I just used it to say he looked Middle Eastern, but wasn't from there. One of the professors mentioned how 9-11 wasn't as big down here, not immediately. I'd never thought of it that way. It's similar then, to how Katrina wasn't as big to me as it was to native Floridians. It was still some vague "down there," to me, despite the fact that the weather forecast had been predicting, earlier in the week, that it would cross almost directly over me. Or maybe, despite my disinclination for the Bush Administration, I haven't sunk so low as to believe that rescue efforts were only half-hearted, because of the race of the victims. This is still funny, though: But the Muslim guy--I think he was Muslim-- was trying to make the ageless point that the extremists are not the standard of Islam. And he brought up the Crusades, like people always do. This was about to irritate me, until he said, "I don't consider that Christianity," which pacified me. It's no better to attack the majority than to attack the minority, and really, come up with some new criticisms of religion.