May 10, 2006 00:20
Ya'll whud up! lol Guess what? I got a NEW BOYFRIEND!! I guess ya'll wondering how did Shari meet this one...well when I was a lil younger and my baby was just born I stated to go out to the high school with my godsister and her younger brother, he was friends with this boy in the band that played the saxophone and he had the most adorable fluffy hair and a damn heck of a lot of it. He reminds me of a Black Jon Mannino haha. but i was 19 turning 19 when I met him i'm 21 going on 22 now he was about 16 when i met him he is 19 now(question: If you love somebody should age matter in a situation?) but anyway he liked my godsister and had the biggest crush on her but we were very tight, he even tried to break me and my baby daddy up when charlie was really doing me wrong, this boy put the fear of got in Charlie and he never bothered me about him again...but we just got together last night after 2 or 3 years of this and that both of our lives of what our lives had to throw at us...but that's the only problem I have outta him...What do ya'll think, ya'll are free to comment i'm a big girl I can handle it! oh yeah he is black and italian! yes my children are gonna have some good hair if it ever ever comes to that point! he's talking about moving in together, marrage and children, i'm saying this one's a keepa!