a quick recap of april.

May 01, 2007 03:18

i think it's always night time when i feel most open in these entries. i just spent two hours changing the layout and colors of my background after not touching it for almost two years.

yesterday i purchased what i now lovingly dub my "chastity bracelet" when i went shopping with sophia. in celebration of... well, you figure it out. i'm madly in love with it, and soon i will have in my possession yet another timeless piece. nancy calls it the "statement piece" and i have to agree. it's going to be so hot... i can't wait!

the month of april started off shaky and crazy. but aside from my stalker co-worker telling other people i'm his girlfriend, the most semi-entertaining bit was when i decided to test if i could pick up a guy while sober (a la samantha jones). it worked, since about three or four days later i received a call from him asking me to hang out. so i did. and after an hour of mindless chitchat over wine, i had to leave to another engagement, so he walked me to my car then (!!!) tried to kiss me.

seriously. what kind of bullshit is that? first of all, it was cheesy enough where he actually put a hand to my chin as if to lift my head towards him. second, you've know me for an HOUR. what could you possibly know about me in that hour that makes you want to kiss me. fuck. that. i need someone who will actually try to get to know me first, see me without my makeup and discover all my shortcomings, THEN fall in love with me.

so i went to san francisco immediately following that, and then he went to new york. when he came back he texted me some jibberish about wanting to hang out with me or something. delete. and. delete.

i guess another entertaining moment that comes in a close second (or maybe first) was when i beat up an acquaintance of mine in a drunken haze. this fellow, who will remain anonymous (as all my subjects do), tried to get me to go out with him a million years ago and i wasn't interested because... i just wasn't. apparently i started to confront him about why he doesn't talk to me anymore, things got flirty, and i attacked. several times. later at some ungodly hour, i received two voice mails from him complaining that i punched him in the testicles and that it "still hurt." unfortunately, i remember none of it.

that night was my all time low so i'm done with that.

i should mention that i really have absolutely no desire to date anyone right now. since my night of debauchery -- actually everything i mentioned above about the stalker co-worker, one-hour-date, and fight were all in one night so you can imagine how crazy that night was for me. anyway, since then i've been to san francisco, which has fast become my new long distance relationship. no other man has any chance of occupying my heart any time soon. i've got a one track mind and that track leads to north. le... sigh... here's a picture i took of my boyfriend when i was there (click on the picture for a larger version):

other than that, i've been hanging out with james and nancy a lot. trying to be around my roommates more. my life really isn't that interesting right now. i bought two new dresses in the past month. one i plan to wear on friday for our girl's night out with the roommates/candy/candy's posse (in a past entry i described it as being "carrie bradshaw circa season 3 episode 34.") the other i purchased today for my upcoming graduation ceremony(!!!)... the look i'm going for with this dress would be carrie bradshaw circa season 3 episode 38. gold accessories and all.

damn, i'm so unoriginal.

so that was april.
for may:
- do some serious budgeting!!!
- my last month before i hit my goal
- my last month in my beautiful, spacious room
- my last month with my beautiful melody before she moves out
- enjoy my room and enjoy my mel

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