Sep 20, 2005 17:40
i just finished telling christina about how amazing it is to have my meal plan working when BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! TRANSACTION INVALID!!!
you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
ok, so, it ended up working after the third swipe, but i wanted to kill someone slowly right then and there. instead i laughed like a psycho trying to explain to the poor attendant person thingy how much my life SUCKS.
stop hating me, god!! you spiteful bastard!!
so i spent all day yesterday doing work for my digital arts class. shut up, assy, i *totally* do work when it needs to be done. it took a long ass time to do, but as i went, i really understood each concept. it was really easy, actually, just time consuming. basic. around two i went to bed, confident i'd have enough time to finish up in the am.
at around three?? four o'clock?? i hear the hum of my computer turn into a pop, then fizzle out to nothing.
fabulous. simply fabulous.
i figured, well, i'll let it sit overnight and deal with it in the morning while i'm frantically trying to finish my work. ha, there's an idea. it's, like, eight fifteenish when i get out of bed and try to power up my laptop.
nothin' at all.
after a half an hour it at least started *trying* to boot. but it kept getting stuck and freezing.
so i text dave for help... he's in class.
so i call my daddy... he's on a conference call. c'mon! dont you guys realize that i need this damn thing working, like, NOW?
procrastination *is* like masturbation, i guess.
so now my computer decides to be agreeable. my dad calls me back and i need to tell him it was a false alarm. then dave calls and i need to tell him it was a false alarm. however, as i soon afterwards found out...
photoshop didn't work. so i called dave again. poor thing.
whatever, i'm bitching. point is, it was crazy. insane! i got everything to work, finally. back to coastin' through these stupid tutorials. man, i'm amazing at this stuff. really. i'm the shit! bow to me!
but there i am later on in digital, listening to just the best party on repeat for the fourth or fifth time, completely clueless as to what the fuck i'm doing. what *is* this shit!? this wasn't in the tutorials... ::insert image of my screen being blank and covered in frustration::.
best part: everyone else seems to get it. masterpieces all around the room. the girl next to me is like ohhh nooo, i dont get this either, i'm just faking it.
usually i can fake it too! what the fuck?!! what am i doing wrong?!!
i was actually embarassed to ask for help. it was *that* bad. fer serious. but the professor was way nice about it. i'm a smart girl, i'm sure i'll figure it out. or, i'll harass mike into teaching me. i'll give him pudding.
and on that note....