(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 19:20

Sasuke pounded away at the training post, jabs, kicks, flips, he practiced them all. Then he jumped back, throwing Kunais and Shuriken at the wooden block. Next came the jutsu. "Katon Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" came his voice as the wood burst into flames, sending sparks high into the air. Turning, he looked at and hourglass. There was too much sand on the bottom, he had to do it faster. With a flip, he threw another Shuriken, only to see it knocked out of the air by a flying Kunai. Quickly, he called on the Sharingan, looking in every conceivable hiding place.

Moments later, six figures burst from the trees, each carried an unsheathed Katana, and all wore masks. They were Anbu. One stepped forward and addressed the boy who stood before him.
"Uchiha Sasuke, you are wanted in Konoha, to stand trial for desertion, and betrayal of your village." He droned.
"And if I do not wish to go with you?"
"We will take you by force." Came the reply. Sasuke dropped into a crouch, hands raised palm facing them in his fighting stance.
"Come then, I will destroy you."

As one, the six men charged, Katanas raised. He dropped under the first blow, flicking a Kunai into the man's throat as he sailed past. Kicking the legs out from under another of the Ninja, he jumped on top of him, hitting a pressure point in his neck, which killed him instantly. A Katana slashed his arm, as a kick sent him flying into the still flaming training post. His clothes caught fire, and the seal flared up, protecting his flesh, covering every inch of him, his teeth and nails growing razor sharp, two huge wings sprouting from his back, as his hair grew out and turned white.
Now you've done it. His voice came, low, hard, and menacing. This fight, is over. A raging fireball swept two of the remaining Nin away, incinerating them instantly. In the next instant, he was behind another, snapping his neck like a twig. The last Ninja backed away as Sasuke turned on him, claws dripping blood, eyes pitch black, the irises blood red.
The raging balls of fire caught the man as he fled towards the forest, in the next instant, a pile of ash fell to the ground.

The curse seal receded from him as he stared at the bodies around him. A twisted smile appeared on his face.
"Tough luck." He said as he turned his back on the dead men.
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