Aug 20, 2006 17:03
I get told on an almost regular basis that my old friends from 3rd grade and such, the people that made me who I am, dislike me. When I bring it up to the people that I am told dislike me, they say they have no problem with me.
Concider this a rant. I am fucking pissed off beyond measure. I want to go to the renfest with YOG, but Dave says Im not YOG.
My question is, If I am a friend, then shouldnt I be "YOG"? And even if Im not, and everyone doesnt have a problem with me, then shouldnt I get to go anyway, because im a friend?
When did backstabbing, sneaking, lying, deception, and trickery become part of "Friendship"?
Either, people need to grow some god damned balls, and tell me if they have a problem with me, so I can either fix it, or not annoy you, or party #2 needs to stop saying that people dislike me, without proof.
NOW I present to you a challenge. I request that YOG lists off their problems with me, individually, and sign your name.
Now, step forward, and speak the truth.