Feb 01, 2012 21:29
Well, the new year started off with a lot of hustle-bustle...I've been snowed under at work, with trying to wrap up some projects before I leave for Spain next Tuesday, plus the whole song-and-dance of packing, laundry, and other pre-trip chores and errands.
Revisions on The Wolf Prince are going slowly...the first few chapters of the book need to be completely rewritten, since they feature the original version of my hero as a world-weary 35-year-old. I later decided that he was actually a painfully-shy, bookish 18-year-old, so yeah...major revisions.
Wrote a new prologue and substantially rewrote chapters 1&2, and am currently struggling with the next two chapters, since they contain some key events that set up the rest of the story. I'm trying to figure out how to rewrite them so that the same things still happen, more or less, but keep them in character.
My friend and former writing partner has been in the Bay Area on business, so we've been able to have dinner together a few times, and I've been able to get her input on revisions. It's really helpful to have a fellow writer to bounce ideas back-and-forth.
Anyhow, next post should be from Barcelona, sometime next week, if the hotel does indeed have Internet access as promised.
real life,