May 06, 2004 10:05
This is my first entry into the live journal. This is different for me... as I usually write a journal, then years later burn it so no one can see it. I write as a catharsis. Helps me get my thoughts together, plus get them out of my head so I don't worry or stress about them.
I haven't been able to concentrate all week. Not sure what is up with that. I slept alot on Monday night. I took a 3 hour nap after work. Yikes! I sleep alot. I suffer from depression, and though on medication still suffer some of the symptoms of it.. or go through slight bouts from time to time. I could use a bit more serotonin in my head.
Well, this was fun.. I will stop by again. I'm sure.
l8r g8r! :-D