30 Days of Fanfic - Days 1 and 2

Sep 02, 2011 09:04

I'm actually a day off my starting point, so here are the answers to questions 1 and 2:

1 - How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?

I'm not one of those who began writing fanfic, long-hand, in a notebook in grade school. (I realized later that I did certainly publish many stories within the confines of my own head, but those never made it to print.) I was a late bloomer in the fanfic world - mainly because I, technically, didn't know it existed until after I had graduated from college.

When I first began teaching in 1998, I was beyond stressed. So the Internet was a bit of an escape. It was around the same time that I discovered hayet's little corner of the Web called The Realm. So fandom actually pulled me in first, through nostalgia. I couldn't believe other people even remembered this little cartoon that I had such fond memories of! Then I discovered the stories many of them had posted. (I remember thinking, "Wow! People actually do this? That is so awesome!") I also found out that (quite literally) almost every single one of them was a fantastic writer! (Seriously! To this day the D&DC fandom has probably had some of the highest quality fanfics I've ever read of any fandom! Not to mention, it's got a pretty impressive fanbase for a cartoon that originally aired in 1983, and only lasted 3 seasons.) Furthermore, I've met some of the most wonderful online friends through that fandom, many of whom I still have!

But I digress.

I first began writing for the D&D cartoon around that same time, and really never stopped. Although I've also written for others since then, the D&DC will always be my personal OTP . . . my true fandom love . . . the one I always go back to whenever I get inspired.

2 - Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.

In general, it seems I'm in many more fandoms than those I choose to write fic for.

Fandom is one thing; fanfic is special.

D&DC - I've probably written my most for this one, mainly because I've never actually stopped. My inspiration comes and goes, but I love the characters, the universe, and my fellow fans so much in this fandom that I can't stay away indefinitely. I have 7 stories published at FF.N, but I've actually written many more. Some were posted at kenderkim's Darkhaven, others at seal_girl's Virtual Realm, and a few others in little snippits here on LJ.

Buffy/Angel - I group these together because they're really two sides to the same coin. Looking at my FF.N account, I was actually a little surprised to see that I have fewer stories posted there than what I've actually written. Most are here on LJ. My longest story for that fandom (Out of Joint) is still unfinished, though I still have every intention of doing so. I also have a number of story outlines - ideas that I loved that never came to fruition. Yet! Like the D&DC, I could never really abandon this fandom!

Firefly - I fell hard for Zoë and Wash! And, actually, the stories I've written for them turned out to be some of my favorites that I've ever done! (I still love reading in this fandom, and am always looking to be inspired again!)

Dr. Who - I'm not sure if this one is really worth mentioning because it's not a fandom that I really write for. However, I did post one story that wouldn't leave me alone after "Doomsday" aired. This fandom was kind of like a one-night stand for me.

Megamind - Ah, this is the fandom that is currently eating my brain. I honestly didn't think I would fall as hard as I did, but I only saw the film in December and have already logged almost 70,000 words in fanfic. I'm not sure I see this one slowing down any time soon!

Master list of questions can be found here.

d&dc, 30 days of fanfic (2011), cartoons, firefly, memes, buffy, angel, megamind, fic news, doctor who

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