I haven't written anything fic-wise for quite a while. (Not because I haven't wanted to, but with grad school consuming my brain and my time, I just haven't been inspired to sit down and do the work.) Then
seal_girl mentioned a (very) old story of mine a few weeks back, and I was curious enough to track it down on my old laptop and give it a re-read, since I hadn't even looked at it in years.
I discovered two things:
1) It was nice to revisit the D&DC fandom again.
2) The fic was in serious need of a face lift.
So I did both.
It's taken me since before Christmas, but I finally managed to overhaul "Sins of the Father" to the point where I'm semi-happy with it again. (Seriously, there were parts that made me cringe when I re-read them - even though I thought they were "OMGSOGREAT!" when I originally wrote them back in *cough* 1998 *coughcough*.)
I also remembered just how much of a pain it is to post at FF.Net! No exaggeration, I stayed up for a whole extra hour just to fix the formatting that kept getting screwed up. (Can we say, absolutely everything in italics!!!) Good thing I ended up having a snow day today! :)
So if anyone feels like checking this old fic out again, it's available here, for the first time outside Darkhaven:
Sins of the Father For those who remember it from before, there's quite a bit that's different now. I ended up changing a lot more than I thought I would, but I'm a tad happier with it. And the basic premise is still the same. Hope it's still enjoyed!