"The hour is getting late . . ."
For an episode in which nothing really "happens" - in the sense of the epic battles and jumping around that we usually see - there was a lot there.
- God, the despair. The utter despair. I'm very surprised there weren't more people than Dee killing themselves over what happened. I really had a feeling she was going to do that. From the moment she got back on the ship after her breakdown on the beach, there was something different about her - and not the type of sadness we may have previously seen in her throughout the series. She seemed thoroughly broken and blank, she held herself very stiffly and her posture suddenly seemed very unnatural. Even when she smiled, there was almost an inappropriateness to her outward appearance. (Serious kudos to Kandyse McClure for "telling" so much about her character with nothing more than her movements and her mannerisms.) I can completely understand the timing of her suicide as well: go while there's still something to be happy about. Ouch.
- Two Karas. Not sure what to make of that. I was fairly sure pointing a finger at her being the final Cylon was more misdirection, but you still have to wonder what the deal is with her finding her own body crashed on Earth. Even if she *had* been a Cylon, there couldn't be two of her since there was only ever one of each of the Final Five . . .
- Or not. Because apparently each of them *has* died previously, and have an alternate way of bringing themselves back that doesn't require a Resurrection Ship. Obviously, they don't know what that is either. But why only those five? (Unless *everybody* is later revealed to be a Cylon. That would be rather lame.)
- I was sort of expecting to have the big Final Cylon Reveal drawn out even a little longer. The fact that they didn't do that was a surprise. It seemed natural to milk the "OMG, is it Starbuck?" tension a little longer, but they didn't. (Which, actually, now just leaves more questions.) I'm glad we now know, but it was one I really wasn't expecting.
So . . . Ellen Tigh. Honestly, I was almost completely convinced it was going to be Cally. Not only because of her own (rather violent) reaction to the nebula when the other four were triggered, but because I saw the actress who plays her, Nicki Clyne, give an interview about how great it was doing the final BSG episodes. If her character is dead, how can she be involved in the final episodes? I guess I was wrong, but then I usually am when it comes to this show, so I've learned to just go with it. Must be flashbacks.
Anyway, Ellen's not going to be too happy about Saul and the Six.
- I was kind of "meh" on the reveal that the 13th colony consisted only of Cylons. So, that's what all us Earthlings are, huh? I don't know, it just seemed weird. I haven't quite decided if I like the idea or not yet.
Anyway, that was probably the darkest, most heart-wrenching episode we've seen in a while. If not *the* darkest one of the series. (Especially coming after the hope of the previous episode.)
Just . . . whoa.
I am glad the show is back, though. I'm looking forward to being confused by it right up until the very end. I'm sure it won't disappoint in that respect.