Well, I'd have to say that today was definitely one of the bestest best birthdays ever!
I was able to spend a great deal of time with my family this afternoon and, apart from the biblical downpour rain, it really was a wonderful day. We went to Billy's for dinner (because he tends to fuss over us when we come!), and he certainly didn't disappoint. He gave me 4 Lindemans glasses (
just like these) because he knows how much I love Lambic Framboise, and an ice cream cake. (And he didn't let the fact that he was super busy tonight keep him from spending time with us. See, this is why I love Billy's; it's like my Cheers.)
Lovely gifts (DVDs like The Princess Bride and Finding Neverland and several beautiful items from The Limited) notwithstanding, probably the nicest things I received between yesterday and today have absolutely no price tag. Nor could I even begin to put a value on them:
- All the lovely wishes from members of my flist. Thank you so much again!
- This morning I was greeted to
this stunning bit of artwork in my email. Naturally, I'm excited to have both stories that I've submitted to the
Art-a-Thon chosen to be illustrated. But I'd really like to sing the praises of the two ladies in charge of the
watchersdiaries community. Hosting any kind of "thon" is one thing, and a great deal of work to be sure, but when you get the chance, just take a look at what
deathisyourart and
blond_bear have created over there. It's not simply a fanfic community, nor is the Art-a-Thon just a simple project. The certificate is beautifully detailed (right down to the sealing wax!), and as for their community, it's like the realization of an entire world Joss only gave us glimpses to. Every possible detail that a Watcher's Council could need is right there, both visually and in the submitted fiction. I strongly urge people to check it out. You won't be disappointed! (And to
deathisyourart: if anything I actually said helped to inspire your Art-a-Thon in any way, I consider that a huge honor!)
- I also received
this gorgeous piece from the combined efforts of two fantabulous members of the D&DC fandom. My good friend Chance commissioned it, and the amazingly talented Zentron took time out of his busy schedule to make it. (There were very nearly tears, I'm telling you.) Depicted are my supporting cast of OCs from my D&D fic
Legacy, Toby, Varla, Ayesha and John. (I absolutely adore the way John is struggling with his scabbard! And I love the anime quality of the whole thing. Love, love, love all around!) I never cease to be amazed by the wonderful generosity of people!
And only for another 365 days can I boast being a 20-something. This time next year Rummi updates the bio! *VBG*
I hope everyone else had a terrific day as well!