Woke up at 4 (PM), started work on my table. Got called by Jodi for the fifth time the day and invited over for Beauty and the Geek. Went over for Beauty and the Geek. Left after Beauty and the Geek. Finished DotD. Finished table. Talked to Jenn for first time since. Started bookend. Used over 700 legos and decided to save bookend until tommorow. Can't get back on normal sleep schedual.
Btw, table:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/doubleohsexy/tabletop.jpghttp://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/doubleohsexy/tableleg.jpghttp://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/doubleohsexy/table.jpg And for the bookend I'm simply stealing
, but putting it into Designer so I can get a set of building instructions and a brick list to buy. I wasn't expecting it to be over a thousand bricks. Wasn't expecting the amount that went into the table, either. Don't ask, I'm avoiding adding it up.