Science and Podcasts

Aug 10, 2005 13:55 you ever wanted to know everything there is about the Universe, but just don't have the infinite time needed to learn it all? Then, there is, of course, Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. But that book is 224 pages long! When you want to know the history of Everything, you want to know it NOW! Fortunately, queennell has brought to us A Brief Brief History of Time.
A Brief Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawkings wrote this book called "A Brief History of Time", and it sold a metric shitload of copies. But, the thing is, the book is not the best popular science book I've ever read. In fact, it's not even in the top 20. But it does contain some interesting ideas about the Universe, and it's always useful to be able to bluff about books like this one. It makes you look (a) very clever and (b) able to get rid of losers who try to chat you up at parties.

So here it is:

A Brief Brief History of Time

(A commentary containing the sense of Hawking’s book without the lame science asshattery, but with much more l33t. This is not intended as a serious study aid, more as an aid to bluffing the book at parties. Although if you’re talking about this shit at parties you need to hang out with people other than Star Trek nerds. Also, this is something I'm doing purely for fun. I intend no disrespect, slander or infringement to any persons mentioned.)

Chapter 1: Our Picture of the Universe

(Should really have been called “Well that about wraps it up for God.”)

(found through Slacker Astronomy Extras podcast)

...more.podcasts...So, I'm still on the hunt for interesting podcasts. I'm back to mainly listening to music now, but the latest release of Slacker Astronomy did wonders of good when waiting in line at the RMV (Massachusetts' version of what nearly every other state calls the DMV). From Geek Speak Radio, I heard mention of a similar podcast: Nerd Blurb. They cover similar geeky topics, but the people at Nerd Blub seems to be on a little more caffeine. Both are worth checking out.

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