Dear Diary,
Having perused through various entries today, it seems like everyone is busy in town. One has to wonder sometimes if the long stretched days of boredom simply bring you the inevitable flooded days of busy-ness. There is just so much to do and sometimes, just sometimes, thoughts of butterflies and bunnies bring a bit of peacefulness in your mind. And so, I have thought, a story of how it came to be, Pat the bunny.
Down south across the gates that bounds the country that is Mexico: a plotting, conniving Mexican has come up with a brilliantly devised plan to go beyond the gates without the rousing of any huff-tuff rowdy yeehawing Border Patrols. The plan is simple, by having a great amount of bunnies to plant secret tunnels to go across the border and to the Promise Land. Having acquired sufficient bunnies, the ingenious Mexican having no time to spare in his already begotten hour of greatness, has unleashed his army of bunnies to strategically build his tunnel of freedom. You are wondering of course as how these bunnies will simply dig hole for our intrepid Mexican friend? Simply put, these bunnies are greatly disciplined and masterminded by our fellow Mexican. They have but one goal in life, to give this Mexican his well earned freedom to the Promise Land. With his already maleficent delight to go across the border, he hastily went into the tunnel fit for a Mexican, as the bunnies dig, dig and dig. All other Mexican followed soon afterward.
Plop, plop it goes as not one, not two, not even three, but a dozen Mexicans scoured out of the tunnel as bunnies scattered about. Freedom was in the air, but it came to an adrupt end as gunfire came across as a sign of the arrival of rowdy-dowdy Border Patrols. The gun-totting Border Patrols came running about, firing at our good fellow Mexican and his friends. It seems our intrepid Mexican has not expected to come to this conclusion at all. But such is life and so a very deep and sorrowful end to our good fellow Mexican, as his promise of great opportunities and hope have all been robbed by those who bitterly live in the very soil he so much cherished.
As for the rest of the bunnies, they all came running to their own freedom, a journey which that is much to tell. But one particular bunny came to be and that is Pat the bunny, now our current hero of this tale of freedom, friendship and courage.