alright everyone listen up

Feb 13, 2009 01:35

so as i post this i am running on the basic assumption that while you are on my friends list and have friended me back,  there may be some that did out of "well i friend everybody" and some as "be nice to the retard" so some may be butt hurt and others just wont care.  that being said i want you to take a look at the picture below. it is a picture of my drivers license

now notice how it does not say charlie brown, or trix rabbit, or anything like that.  thats cuz i am not a door mat.  least not anymore.  i am not a second class indvidual and starting now 2/13/09 at 1:38 am arizona mountain time, refuse to be treated like one.    that means yes i am jewish,  however this does not need to be pointed out a million times,  jokes are fine but people need to know where the line is.  i will stop too.  i know most of you think to the contrary.  i am not stupid.  i may not be book smart but dont treat me like i know nothing and completely ignorant to the world around me.  yes in fact despite your attempt i did understand that compeltly rude joke you just made about me.  i am not stupid, dont treat me like that.  most of you i am sure are crying "gotta give respect to get it"  and see i get it, but i am not asking for respect,  i am saying if you like great lets be friends, but if you dont,  dont make assanine comments around me while mascrading of liking me.  again to the whole i am not an idiot deal.  this is at no one in peticular and you can pick and choose what applies and what does not.  things like "ill text you so shard does not know"  is not cool or funny,  if im not invited tell me, im a big boy, this is not pre school.  i am saying these things because i am making some honest efforts to change.  however people automatically assuming i am the same old shard, who, quite honestly is a jack ass,  does not help.  not in the slightest.  i want people to realize i am not a punching bag and i do have feeling just like the rest of you (shocking right?)  i understand i am not popufur or what the fuck ever, but i just want friends and to be like.  i have burned a lot of bridges i know and understand people can still smell the sulfer and lighter fluid,  but to the people who are invested in my future, even if its just they would not mind seeing me be better then i am or was, please.....stop.   starting now i stand up for myself.  i am not going to be weak.  i am a strong succesfull person and i plan to show everyone what i can do.  thank you

ps.  to those not in az yes it expires in 2053  no i have no idea why

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