worst birthday ever

Feb 06, 2009 16:15

is it so much to ask the be called prior to me walking out the fucking door. so far one person i thought was my friend did this and both my parents do this. and then im the bad guy cuz i am made cuz i get hurt, how is the fucking fair,  you know when you make plans with someone you tend to turn down other plans with people and so when you are called last minute to be told "its not gonna work out today"  that leaves you at a "well damn now what"   so all you who think i am a whiney bitch fuck off, when i make plansi would hope they would be followed through but i guess that i am not that important to even my parents,  fuck my dad wont even tell me why the cancelled.  only good things that happend were pokeypony  and greysonfox and i going to the movies and haning out and this picture that was drawn for me, best birthday gift ever

that is all

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