Apr 24, 2004 13:29
Ok. I don't know how to exactly say this but in all truth of the matters. Common sense people. Seriously. If you don't know something, look it up for christsakes. Or just use your best judgement.
What brought this on? Idiots whom know nothing of Ferrets desiding to get a ferret. Yeh. Now ya see where this is going neh? Goody! I know more about Ferrets, then even people whom HAVE the damned fuzzy lil creatures. How you ask? Well, besides sitting here and looking through every piece of information I could for the last 3 years or so, I use common sense.
Ok, my Ferret is getting sick. What do I do? Well. Take it to the vet. Leave it there overnight, why? Better safe then sorry as they say. As well as it gives you all the needed time to get home. CHange the food, revamp the cage and discard any possible harming toys. As well as to check and recheck the house for any possible spills of dish cleaners, laundry soaps and so forth.
"Will it cost a lot in vet bills?" Right off the bat. Yes, you dumbass. Yes. Everything starts off with no more then 600 dollars worth of Vet bills. IF that is, you want your ferret completely caught up. How? With Shots. The descenting. The Nuetering. Full examinations right off the bat to make damn sure your lil fuzzball is in the tip top health condition. Not only the Vet bills, but normal living expenses. I dunno about most people. But I would rather have all my Ferret needs right off the bat. The correct type of liter, the correct style of literpan. The correct sized cage, toys, beds, watering dishes, food dishes. Then the task of ferret proofing your house.
COMMON SENSE! If you know your letting your little fuzzball run around outta it's cage for a moment and you deside to snag a bite to eat? Do you set your Playstation 2 controller on the floor? Common sense says: No you jackass. Unless of course, you want to return with a shreaded controller and one helluva dead ferret. Simple, common sense. That's all it is. Dunno if a specific type of food is good for a ferret? Don't just shrug and feed it to them anyways thinking it's like a dog. That's a nono in common senses book. Look it up. Ask NONE moronic questions. Call up a vet, ask them. Look in books, websites. Anything and everything. Watch the Animal planet. If your lucky, they have something on for Ferrets. Jesus fucking christ..people are getting stupider and stupider nowadays.