Stupid Boys

Feb 22, 2007 00:10

What is it with boys these days? When did they all get so damn stupid? proclaim your deepest care, but you don't understand me enought to even know when I'm joking. Get over yourself, I'm not taking everything you say so deeply to heart so lighten up. You pissed me off. you get hurt by anything and everything I say, then how the hell am I supposed to talk to you? You tell me to be honest and yet you can't take it. You're immature and clingy but whne I need me time, you freak out thinking you did something wrong. Maybe you did by not giving me five minutes to breath! Then the one time you do truely piss me off and are actually rude to me, you suddenly don't care because you were the one wronged. I don't pity you so stop pitying yourself. Get over it already and move on. You're older than me and still less mature than I am. go ahead and be a baby then. just don't expect me to apologize for you not being able to take a joke or even be mature enough to say hey that hurt and get on with the damn conversation, you are the one who fucking hung up on me.  I hate boys. You're all stupid until obviously way past 25. Thank you for putting me in a bad mood after a good day. Thank you for fucking keeping me awake. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?! You're an ass, you just proved it. what am I giving up for lent this year? BOYS! Everything Male because they are all worthless and assholes anyway.
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