I purchased these late period Victorian/Edwardian paper dolls for Bindle at the Winchester House gift shop. With my employee discount they only cost me four dollars! She was especially delighted with the introductory paragraph about them on the inside of the front cover and has had me read it to her again and again.
"Eugenie, a rare French lady doll, can be dressed up in a traditional satin wedding gown. The second doll, Celine, is a 'Smiler' Bru, an elegant lady doll manufactured in France. Delia, a Simon & Halbig creation has the classic 'Gibson Girl' hairstyle of the early 1900s." We both fell in love with the term Smiler Bru!
Bindle decided that the paper dolls, in fact, belong to Molly and Anastasia, which is, indeed, perfect. Molly and Anastasia, you might notice, now have a little niece visiting them who also happens to be their sister. (Not really sure how that works. Best not to dwell upon it.) There was some dispute over the sister-niece's name. I wanted her to be Georgina and Bindle wanted Goldie. So Goldie it is, but I am allowed to call her Georgina as a nick name.
I was posed by Bindle for this particular shot! She came and arranged my face and told me sternly which direction to point my gaze, describing exactly how she wanted my eyes to be. I wasn't sure I'd be able to obey properly, but apparently I was able and she was thrilled with the results, saying "This will be a keeper. I have never seen you look this cute before! You'll want to keep this picture for the rest of your whole life!" Goddess, she's priceless.