Oct 02, 2009 10:04
I'll be leaving my house around 6am, and I'll be heading to Raleigh, NC to meet up with my glorious U2 pals for a reunion of epic proportions! I haven't seen Kim since '93, Dianne since '01 (& that was too brief), and Lyn since '92. The only plans I know for sure are meeting them at the hotel for breakfast (it'll probably be just me and Dianne since Kim & Lyn will be getting there super late tonight and will need to sleep in), and seeing the U2 show tomorrow night. Anything in between will be new to me. I'm super excited. And hell, Muse is opening so that's even more kickass.
The other night I played Beatles Rock Band online with three other people, and I finally sang a song on expert - freaking I Am the Walrus. I got 98% too, which surprised me. I'm not really sure what the difference between hard/expert is, but it's fun either way. And I have my first PS3 online friend. Does anyone else play games online with their PS3? If you do and ever want to play Rock Band or Beatles Rock Band, my gamer name is Bobo1349 (Stephen made that up, not me). Add me!