For today's craft project, I bring you the blessings jar. This is another one of Pinterest inspiration where you write something good/blessing/miracle/praise on a piece of paper with the date it happened, then put it inside the jar. On December 31, you take out your jar and read all the blessings you had received for the year.
What I used: an empty plastic container (Stikko wafer sticks); leftover yarn from my mom's stash; white glue
How I did it: from the top of the container near the opening, but just under the cover, I glued the yarn around the jar. Not too tight, but not too lose. I used A LOT of glue, made sure the yarn gets sticky. Then I let it sit to dry until the tackiness of the glue is gone.
And that's it! Pretty simple, eh? You can basically use anything for your blessings jar, though I suggest using a container with a wide opening and a cover.
If you give this a try, I'd love to see your results.