Haha so Ive been suckered in like half of the rest of america in this scavenger hunt revolving around Ethan haas. For thoughs of you that dont know what that is.
Apprently there is a movie trailer that is seen when you go to see transformers(have not seen movie yet) Saw pirated movie trailer.
You watch the trailer and your reaction is What the fuck!!!.
But then you start to say what the fuck even more when you find out what its all about. Paramount has a new movie coming out related to that trailer and they are launching a huge publicity stunt until it comes out next year. Clues hidden all around the internet and strange puzzles and phone numbers and other wierd crap all revolving around this person Ethan haas. The strange part is that they keep leading to biblical phrophacy's and the end is near crap from the revelations part of the bible. The strangest part is when you *cough* hack into a website and there is some code in there that is not soposed to be there. It was obviously set up by someone for hackers to find so they could move on to the next clue. The wierdest part is when you do a domain name surch and get emails and phone nubmers and if you call the numbers you get a obviously recording, but its this ethan person who then talks about a van Mezin and to get under the ground. Van mezin was a interesting person in history or something if you look that name up. There are also fake message boards set up with people pretending to be ethan posting on them its jsut wierd.
It goes on and on liek this and aparently this is all about JJ abrams new movie coming out in 08 that is about some biblical monsters that are here to destory us or something. most likely the Cthulu story. The movie is going to be shot in blair witch style from camcorders and cell phone cameras as the biblical whatever is going on. Very strange very strange.
There going to do something for the next clue at comic con during the big star trek pannel.
This site explains most of it and has all the links to the freaky sites so far.
http://www.fourguys.net/category/cloverfield/ And has link to the movie trailer. *Hush hush though its soposed to be a secret movie traier since paramount pulled them all off the internet*
Aparently there are a lot more sites out there that we have to find that are all realtaed to the movie. What this has to do with anything I dont know but since im sitting on my ass recovering from surgery I have nothing better to do ;-P
There is also a livejournal community about it.