It's only two days into my first full week back at school, and already I am so bloody exhausted I can barely type this message coherently. This, as is obvious, makes me mad. Or it would, if I had enough energy to work up a good angry. As it is, I'm just going to have to settle for 'pathetically whiny'.
Got OSAP in today, so I decided to go and get me some books. Well.... yeah, I'ma have to do that another time. My books must be purchased at three seperate, yet equal, bookstores around Ottawa (Not counting the coursepacks which come from the Carleton Bookstore itself . . . which overprices everything so that they can pay back an imaginary debt they inherited from the previous owners.... long story...). Well, I made it to one and got all of the books for my British Literature II class there for a sweet $140.00. I was happy with this, so I decided to go furthar, and I hopped on the bus to the next bookstore on the list. Well . . . that place had a lineup that stretched down the street. Needless to say, I decided that there was no way I was going to wait in another massive lineup only one week after I spent 4 goddamned hours in line waiting to get the papers I needed to get the money with which I must buy these books. No. Way. In. Hell. So I hopped the bus home, and didn't look back. I'll get those books tomorrow or thursday morning or something.
In other news,
fox_reed is back online. Yay! Maybe I can siphon some much needed energy from her apparantly bottomless supply. This momentous event has other ramifications, but I really don't wanna type them all out for people who most likely are already well aware of them.
It's only seven o'clock, and I feel like sleeping. I need sugar... STAT!