Apr 16, 2007 15:59
On Friday night, I got to see VNV Nation live for the first time.
I was so excited.
Kao-san and Leotie attended with me. It was amazing.
This was the best live show I've ever attended, and I've seen Diru twice.
The thing about the comparison, however, is that Diru and VNV are so different they are unable to be compared. Both rank top, but for different reasons. Diru is..... diru. And their show was so intensely fantastic, but that was because of who they were.
VNV put on a bloody fantastic show. Not only was it exciting to get to see them, but the show was so well produced.
Even the lighting was on que. There would be a line like "let there be neverending light" and all the light would turn this atherial gold color and rain down upon us. It was just so well done.
And they band dynamic was so wonderful. They all were so happy and excited to be up there, and really enjoyed it.
At one point somebody, as always happens at lives, shouted "Freebird!!" and then Ronan started telling us a fun story. The new synth-keyboard player Andre started playing it, and was promptly asked to keep quiet for a moment until the story was done. (Story in short, "being from germany, we didn't understand at first. Freebird was the song during which all the girls during the middle school dances would dissapear into the bathroom. all 400 girls would fit into this tiny little room and all us boys would talk about which ones we thought were cute. So, we were in LA and finally realized how everyone always calls for Freebird. So, we played it quietly in the background right before we went onstage. Slowly people realized what was going on. WTF?? See?? We give you what you want!!") When Ronan finished, he said 'now you can' to Andre, who replied with various negative buzzer sounds from the keyboard. They all bantered on a bit, and it was quite hillarious. XD
The music was so entirely good.
I haven't felt that alive in a long time.
I couldn't stop moving, dancing, throwing my hands into the air in a form of praise, singing along... any of it.
They played Chrome and I was entirely happy.
They played End of Days, Darkangel, Honour.
The most intense moments were the end where they played song after song that just pulled themselves through your soul.
Perpetual, made me so happy, I couldn't stop grinning like an idot.
Beloved... I know it's the most loved VNV song there is, perhaps, but there still lacks words for the intensity of those moments.
Ultimately, the show was so wonderful, i just wish I could acheive such heights of 'alive' more often. XD
It was a revival much needed.
I will upload and post photos at some point... XD
vnv nation,