Jan 12, 2005 20:57
things still arent going my way. im getting used to it. im scheduled for an oncall saturday night and i requested off for the following reasons:
1. round one
2. big game
3. katies birthday bash!!
im over the stomach flu but im pretty sure i have a sinus infection.. maybe im just a hypochondriac? its a possibility. but everyone else is sick. no school monday, thats something to look forward to. and this weekend SHOULD be good. and the steelers will beat the jets. friday after the sharon game i guess me and allison and who knows who else are going to a party at someones house that she works with.. haha. yesterday and today feel just like pms.. maybe worse. still making up homework and tests, and were starting our pigs in anatomy. theyre so cute! kinda.. if they were alive i would want one=) i was thinking about going to state college this weekend but i have too much goin on and i dont know if ill have to work saturday or sunday. oh yeah my car wouldnt start AGAIN today. i mean i love the cura dont get me wrong... but shes about to go up for adoption. me bear rj and jessica went skating tonight! it was a good time but lately i feel so disconnected from my friends. hopefully things will go back to normal. i think that some things should happen more than just once a year.. special things. but then maybe they wouldnt be so special. i dont know. im still at bears and im gonna work on some homework and spend some quality time with her.