Jul 30, 2005 11:09
Body: Spell your first name backwards - arahs
Story behind your name - my parents are weird?
How old are you - 18
Where do you live - good old h town for about 28 days
d e s c r i b e y o u r
Wallet - liz claiborne, purple... usually has no money in it. lots of plastic though.. recipts and stuff
Hairbrush - how do i describe my hairbrush? its just a hairbrush
Toothbrush - umm its green and white and has the tongue scrubber thingie on it... its sweet
Jewelry worn daily - earrings and/or necklace that match my outfit (haha) and my watch
Pillow cover - tan
Sunglasses - well i had this real sweet pair and they broke..
Favorite shirt - either my bob marley or "if you aint a steeler fan you aint shit" hahaha
Cologne/Perfume - chanel chance
CD in stereo right now - tom petty
Piercings - just my ears a couple times
What are you wearing now- boxers and a t
Wishing - that i had lots of money for the ledges this weekend and didnt have to work tomorrow morning so i could go tonight for hookahfest instead of tomorrow. and money for warped tour on monday. and money to pay my bills and get another tattoo. im really fucking poor right now.
Wanting - a cigarette real bad... and money
What will you be doing for the remainder of the day - oh who knows. my friends are pretty lame and like to sit around all day and do nothing. im tryin to play some tennis or go for a run or swimming or SOMETHING! and after last weeekend there probably wont be shit to do tonight, and the guys are going to canada. uhhh kill me.
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what - im not at liberty to say.
Person you wish you could see right now - georgia
Some of your favorite movies - pirates of the caribbean, blow, pulp fiction, garden state, cruel intentions umm there are tons
Something you're looking forward to in the coming month - daytona beach :) and then leaving this shithole
The last thing you ate - trix
Do you like candles - yep
Do you like incense - it all depends on the atmosphere
Do you like the taste of blood - uh no who does?
Do you believe in love - i used to
Do you believe in soul mates - haha yeah i do.
Do you believe in love at first sight - umm no.. maybe lust at first sight? hah
Do you believe in Heaven - no when you die youre dead end of story.
Do you believe in God - yes
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - i dont know im not very good at taking care of pets...
What is the longest you've ever stayed up - umm almost 3 days
Can you eat with chopsticks - hell yeah
What's your favorite coin - quarters (one of my favorite games too haha)
What are some of your favorite candies - sour patch watermelons
What's something that you wish people would understand about you - i dunno
What's something you wish you could understand better - boys.. men.. whatever, theyre idiots
Who is someone that you really wish was still around - dan moreno
What is the worst trend you see today - clogs. i hate them
s p e c i f i c
Have you done drugs - yeah
What kind of shampoo you use - vive for hi-lited hair
What are you listening to right now - sublime
Who was the last person that you called - allison
Where do you want to get married - if i get married
How many buddies are online right now - a lot are away?
What would you change about yourself - my bad habits
What are essentials in your life - my phone.. chapstick.. the cura.. bottled water
Do you send out holiday cards each year - no
h a v e y o u e v e r
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble - yesm
Cried when someone died - yes
Been rejected - yeah
Rejected someone - yeah
Used someone - probably
Been used - probably
c u r r e n t
Hair - hi lited.. mostly brown, soon to be lighter
Make-up - none right now.. usually just mascara and lip gloss
Annoyance - waking up early.. espcially to the phone. waiting. listening to my friends fight with their asshole boyfriends about the most insignificant shit
Smell - that natural smokey smell haha
Interest - buying shit for my dorm room
Hate - not having money.. brown with black.. cold weather.. liars
Need - mucho dinero (haha really its bad. its starting to sound like im obsessed with it?)
Plans for tomorrow - work (even though im pretty sure i requested off) and the ledges for hookah fest. jumping off the ledge...
Mind frame - pessimistic
Hurt - my elbow from yesterdaY and my ovaries.