My Fics

Feb 27, 2012 20:30

Most recent first.


Rationalizing the Denominator. PG, 1080 words. "She's messing up my variables," he tells Wilson, shielding his face from the sun. Takes place after the season 5 finale, and everyone talks in math.

The Geography of Touch. NC17, 2080 words. He thinks he'll need to create a map to chart the unfamiliar landscape of House's body, and measure the precise angles of his touches.

Cicatrice. PG, 1166 words. House and Wilson go leaf peeping. Written for cindy_lou_who8.

Tactics. G, 485 words. House was probably just being nice to make him buy dinner later. That was all.

A Hundred Little Things. PG, 883 words. This fic pretends to be a character-study of House but is really just complete and utter fluff.

Distractions. NC17, 889 words. House and Wilson get hot and sweaty.

Falling Together. NC17, 1704 words. It all starts with Amanda Perry’s vagina. Featuring het!sex, hate!sex, and soup. Because you can never have enough soup.

Arrangements. PG13, 1006 words. House and Wilson cuddle and argue about funeral homes. No, really.

Nightmare. G. Drabble. Written for cryptictac's House/Cuddy/Wilson/Amber Drabble-A-Thon.

Standstill. G, 778 words. House doesn’t know how to fix this. Post Wilson's Heart.

Dinner. G, 1033 words. House takes Wilson to dinner…at 2 am.

The Lie. NC17, 1170 words. Porn. And then more porn. And a few lines of dialogue so I can pretend it’s a story.

Drabbles. PG. A series of 10 unconnected drabbles with the prompts taken from the first sentence at the top of every 100 pages of a book. I used The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 1990 for my prompts.

Stay. PG, 1985 words. Wilson is always there for House, but is it enough?

Quiet. PG, 1071 words. House's leg hurts. Wilson cooks. First House fic I ever wrote. :)

Everything Else

Nothin' Else Matters in this Whole Wide World (the Jersey Shore Remix). G, 1804 words. Gen. Once you learn how to swim, you never forget.

Patient Care Follow-Up. PG13, 713 words. House/Foreman. “Nipple tweaking? Seriously?”

Emancipation. NC17, 2605 words. Gen. The story of strength takes a lifetime to tell. This is Lisa's story.

Pain Relief. G, 1006 words. House/Foreman. House has a request and Foreman makes a decision.

Circular Motion, or The Perils of Office Romances. NC17, 3313 words. Thirteen/Cameron, various others. Thirteen sleeps with Cameron, and all hell breaks loose life goes on. Also, House and Thirteen bond over bad Spanish soap operas.

Coping Mechanism. PG, 508 words. Gen. Greg gets into a fight.

gen, h/f, h/w, fic

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