Dec 11, 2006 12:54
And so it is christmas, and what have I done? I've planned a series of soul-sucking activities for what should be a totally drunken, sexy, and frivolous post-thesis-completion week. Yeah. "Meeting" with department Director re: student objections to final assignemnt - this will be awesome and not at all intimidating. It will help, of course, that I can totally defend this assignment.
Next activity: mock interview with panel of four giant smarty-pants prof's who I really want to respect me and not think I'm an idiot. And somehow, my focus for preparation thus far has been on what I should wear. Yep, I'm all over it.
Then: to hometown high school to talk women's studies with a class there. Three of my high school enemies work at that place now. One is a vice principal. Must lose at least 5 pounds before Thursday. Also, I'll have to sign in at the office where my dolt brother's mother-in-law works. She is a tool and I still have fantasies about ripping her face off. Given the strain of the week preceding our reunion, I will have to work VERY hard to control violent urges. I love control. I may even have control issues.
Why didn't I schedule a couple of days of self-flagellation in the comfort of my own home? At least then I wouldn't have to lose five pounds in three days.