Jul 10, 2007 12:43
Happy birthday to me! Happy new job to me! Happy tattoo healing to me! Happy going to San Francisco in August and seeing Avenue Q there to me! Happy going to see Into the Woods in September to me! Happy summer to me!
So the weather is gorgeous (if a tad too balmy for my tastes), I have a new non-Diligenz job (which is slightly boring at the moment but that's only because they don't want to overwhelm me too soon), I *finally* got my S/cello tattoo (sweet!), and life is generally awesome. I've been incredibly busy for the past few weeks, but it's been a good kind of busy, not the I-would-shoot-myself-in-the-face-if-it-would-make-life-easier sort of busy. My last couple of weeks at Diligenz were rife with goings-out and planning and getting things together and figured out (read: I spent a lot of time looking at bus schedules online). I'm just beginning to settle into a groove.
I have a feeling (justifiably) that this summer will be hectic beyond belief. I have a ton of things planned - birthday season is in full swing - a zillion things I need to do, and a whole life to reconfigure around my new job (yay!). This weekend is a celebration of my job and Alyssa's good news, Tony's birthday, and at some point I need to get to my mom's storage unit in Redmond to take away some of her crap. Next weekend, my grandparents and the guy my grandma wants me to marry are going to come up to my mom's boat, so I have to help entertain for that. The following weekend, I have a feeling that I will be helping Tony to move/clean. Then there's a brief lull (which will be filled, I'm sure, in the next couple of weeks) before San Francisco, then that wedding I'm playing with Abby and Nate's birthday....it's just insane.
But it will be good. I'll be paying all my own bills. It will be SWEET.
More later, my lunch break is over. Ciao kiddies!